October 31, 2022


597 NM-597, Teec Nos Pos, AZ 86514

“The Four Corners Monument marks the quadripoint in the Southwestern United States where the states of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah meet. It is the only point in the United States shared by four states, leading to the area being named the Four Corners region.” - Wikipedia Four Corners was not on my list of places to see, but when I realized I wasn’t too far away I decided to take the drive and experience the only place where four state come together. 

First, the drive between Mesa Verde and Four Corners was interesting to me.  In fact, how quickly the Colorado landscape changes from plains to mountains to valleys to mesas to almost barren land intrigues me. 

Approaching the monument entrance, I discovered it is in a Navajo Tribal Park and is maintained by Navajo Nation Parks & Recreation.  Upon paying admission ($8 per person), you drive to the parking lot which surrounds the monument, but don’t go too fast as the unpaved lot is very rough.  Once parked I went to see what everyone wants to see, the 6-inch circle in the center showing where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah meet.  Not surprisingly, everyone is drawn to this spot, so getting a chance to experience that spot by yourself isn’t easy.  Surrounding the center circle is a square divided into four quadrants and the name of the state the quadrant is in.  Out further, is a marker in each quadrant recognizing the state it is in with a blurb about who was responsible for marking the state’s boundary.  While the monument area is clean and modern, I wouldn’t call if fancy, but it doesn’t have to be either.  Even further out, and I believe these are relatively new, there are booths along each of the four sides where souvenirs and artwork are sold by Native Americans. I assume the booths along the Colorado side were occupied by people from Colorado, and the same for the other three states.  I was thankful I live in an RV and do not have room for artwork, as there were some pieces I would have loved to have, so I saved myself some money.  I finished my visit with some Navajo Frybread topped with Apple Butter, from a stand on the Colorado side.  It was very good.

I’m glad I visited the Four Corners Monument.  Technically, I suppose I could add all the states to my list of places I’ve visited, but I won’t until I spend more time in each (probably later this fall/winter).  However, I would only recommend this stop if you are in the area, I wouldn’t go too far out of my way to experience it.