May 28, 2021


2 Memorial Dr, Kansas City, Missouri 64108

“The National World War I Museum and Memorial is a war memorial and museum located in Kansas City, Missouri. Opened to the public as the Liberty Memorial museum in 1926, it was designated in 2004 by the United States Congress as the United States' official museum dedicated to World War I.” Wikipedia

I believe this museum is a must-see for anyone visiting Kansas City. While the outside of the Memorial is quite impressive, the Museum on the inside is truly fascinating. The main museum is set up in a circle, with the first half explaining how the conflict escalated into a truly world-wide war. The second half details the involvement of the United States in the war. There are many exhibits with a lot of detail. From beginning to end I found myself reading almost every placard, which usually doesn’t happen in other museums.

When I purchased my advanced ticket online, the tower was closed to tourists. It has recently reopened, but when I finally realized that I didn’t have time to include it in my visit.