March 12, 2022


6731 Pavlock Rd, Navasota, TX 77868

“SFWS is a nonprofit located in Navasota, TX which provides permanent sanctuary to rescued, non-releasable wolves and wolfdogs.” –

I had a “free” day while staying at a campground about 60 miles north of Houston.  I Googled things to do in the area and St. Francis Wolf Sanctuary came up, with my love of wildlife I decided to check the preserve out. 

The hour-and-a-half tour began with a history of the sanctuary, an introduction to their mission, and an explanation of the difference between a dog, wolf, and wolfdog.  Wolfdogs are created when a dog is bred with a wolf, this only happens in captivity and does not happen in the wild.  All the wolfdogs in the sanctuary were purchased as pets, unfortunately the wolf-like characteristics do not make wolfdogs good pets, and after time they need to be given up, some are euthanized, the ones in the sanctuary are the lucky ones.

After the briefing our guides, led us to the enclosures and introduced us to each of the beautiful animals calling the sanctuary home.  There were seven wolfdogs, five wolves, and one dog (malamute).  Their stories were sometimes sad, sometimes upsetting, but fortunately the sanctuary is providing a safe, stable home for these canines.  Example:  Romulus, the malamute, arrived at the sanctuary with his brother, Remus, at the age of about 4 months.  Their owner, who abandoned the dogs when he was arrested, thought he had purchased two wolfdogs.  Neighbors rescued the dogs who were left with no food or water by taking them to the sanctuary.  Tests proved they were indeed just dogs.  Remus was adopted by a loving family; however, Romulus could never be socialized and therefore has been a resident of the sanctuary for going on 13 years.  

I’m glad I found the sanctuary and learned about the wonderful work they are doing.