March 18, 2022


300 Fisher Rd, Lafayette, LA 70508

“Vermilionville Historic Village, located in Lafayette, Louisiana, is a Cajun and Creole living history museum with restored historic structures.” – Wikipedia

After learning about the history of the people of southern Louisiana on the Cajun Food Tour and at the Acadian Cultural Center, it was only fitting to visit this living history museum showcasing area houses and other buildings from the 1700 and 1800s.  Signs outside each building told the significance and/or historical nature of the structure.  I enjoyed looking at the period furniture pieces along with the tools that would have been used by both men and women of the time.  Two costumed artisans, an accordion player and a quilter, were available to answer questions and entertain.

I got to the museum mid-afternoon, therefore, I only had about 1.25 hours to tour the museum.  I wish I would have had another 30 to 60 minutes to explore more leisurely.