December 24, 2021


4931 S Peninsula Dr, Ponce Inlet, FL 32127

“The Ponce de Leon Inlet Light is a lighthouse and museum located at Ponce de León Inlet in Central Florida. At 175 feet in height, it is the tallest lighthouse in the state and one of the tallest in the United States. It is located between St. Augustine Light and Cape Canaveral Light.” Wikipedia

This lighthouse is at the southern end of Daytona Beach. I came to visit the lighthouse even though I wasn’t really in a touring mood, however, by the end of my visit I was glad I stopped by. As the grounds were closing early since it was Christmas Eve I was told to climb the lighthouse first. I was a little apprehensive about climbing the 203 steps up to the observation deck, but the climb didn’t render me unable to breath like I thought it would. The views of the Atlantic Ocean and the Halifax River were great.

Along with the lighthouse there were six or seven different building used when the lighthouse had to be manned. All are well-preserved and contain a lot of information and memorabilia associated with running the lighthouse. In my opinion the Lens Exhibit Building with its collection of lighthouse lenses and other navigational aids was pretty cool. There was also an exhibit of Cuban Rafts that have carried refugees to the area that was interesting.