October 25, 2023
110 Point Park Rd, Lookout Mountain, TN 37350
“Point Park was established in 1905 as a historic park to commemorate the area's role during the Civil War, specifically during the Battle of Lookout Mountain in November 1863.”
“Point Park’s 16 acres provides overlooks, monuments, and cannon positions interpreting the Battle of Lookout Mountain as well as the other Battles for Chattanooga.” – visitingchattanooga.com
Point Park was a wonderful way to spend a little time on a beautiful fall afternoon. The views of Chattanooga were splendid. Typical of Civil War parks, blue and red signs explain the significance of the area for each side of the battle. One large monument, the New York Peace Monument, stands in the middle of the park. The monument is topped with a statue of a Union and Confederate soldier shaking hands.
Painting of "Battle Above The Clouds" in the Visitors Center.
The entrance to the park was built by the Army Corps of Engineers in the shape of their logo.
Panorama of Chattanooga
Union cannons
The New York Peace Monument
Confederate cannon
Panorama of the Tennessee River
Picture taken during the Civil War
Civil War era picture
Building built as a store, now houses a small museum.