November 23, 2021


300 N Bond St., Plains, GA 31780

“The Jimmy Carter National Historical Park, located in Plains, Georgia, preserves sites associated with James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr., 39th President of the United States. These include his residence, boyhood farm, school, and the town railroad depot, which served as his campaign headquarters during the 1976 election.” Wikipedia

Venturing off the interstate highway driving past cotton fields, groves of trees, and small towns I arrived in Plains, GA, the home of Jimmy Carter, our 39th president. Plains is a small town about the size of the town I grew up in, so I could appreciate how the town is pround of their “son”.

As Wikipedia above says, the park consists of four different sites. Understandably, the residence where Jimmy and Rosalynn still live are not open to the public. I was told by a park ranger that if I went to a certain corner I might be able to get a glimpse of the house, but I decided I didn’t need to see their home that badly.

Plains High School is not the main Visitors Center for the park. This is the school that both Jimmy and Rosalynn went to and graduated from. When they attended the school was a “white school,” the Black children attended their own schools. Carter had many Black friends growing up and the disparity between his school and their school was quite evident. This disparity greatly influenced his thinking in his adult life. In the museum we see the school the Carters experienced, but also examines the disparities between the white and black schools. Visitors are then given a look at the accomplishments of the Carters during and after the presidency.

The Boyhood Farm preserves the house, outbuildings, and grounds where Jimmy Carter grew up. Carter said they always had plenty of food, but didn’t have much money to spend. I think that lifestyle is very evident throughout the site. The house, while well built, is simply adorned. Over the years amenities such as indoor plumbing were introduced, the family considered such improvements as luxuries. Besides the farm business, the Carters ran a commissary or country store, mainly for the people who worked for them and/or people living in the area. I found it interesting to find a tennis court next to the house.

The final site was the Plains Depot which served as campaign headquarters during Carter’s run for the White House. The building was chosen because it was the only available building with a working restroom. The building is relatively empty, with the exception of display boards highlighting the campaign. Having worked in several county campaign offices, it wasn’t hard for me to imagine card tables and folding chairs filling the room to create work stations for campaign workers.

I am so glad I got off of the interstate and made my way to Plains. If you like presidential history you should do the same if in the area.

Plains High School

Boyhood Farm

Plains Depot