February 10, 2022


2000 Remington Pl, Oklahoma City, OK 73111

“The Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden is a zoo and botanical garden located in Oklahoma City's Adventure District in northeast Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The zoo covers 119 acres and is home to more than 1,900 animals. It is open every day except Thanksgiving and Christmas.” - Wikipedia

To be honest, as I approached the OKC Zoo I was tired.  Then after going through the entry gate I found a huge construction area which seemed to go on forever as I followed the path around it to get to the animals.  But once I got to the animals, I found the zoo to be quite enjoyable.  Highlights for me included a young giraffe bounding with joy, some very colorful flamingos, an orangutan trying to play hide-and-seek, and some active gorillas.  But the best site was the three-week old Asian elephant and its very protective family.

It was evident that this was mid-February as several of the exhibits were on winter hiatus, but that was to be expected.  Zoos have pretty uniformly stopped handing out maps, which I understand, however, because I was tired and didn’t know my way around, I missed some exhibits.  I want to return in warmer weather, after the construction project is complete, because I believe this could be a really good zoo.