May 28, 2021


4525 Oak St, Kansas City, Missouri 64111

“The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art is an art museum in Kansas City, Missouri, known for its encyclopedic collection of art from nearly every continent and culture, and especially for its extensive collection of Asian art.” Wikipedia

I am not an art aficionado, that said, I do enjoy going to art museums. I was very impressed with the collection at the Nelson-Atkins Museum. As the Wikipedia description says, you can find almost every type of art this large museum. The collection had several pieces by some of the most famous artists. I don’t like all art, but can usually find something I find pleasing to the eye in every collection.

Having spent three hours touring the WWI Museum earlier in the day, after two hours of exploring the Nelson-Atkins’ collection, I was pretty tired. It wasn’t until I got home and looked at the museum’s brochure that I missed a whole floor of the museum. A return trip may be necessary when I am in the area.