April 6, 2022


1 Zoo Dr, Little Rock, AR 72205

“The Little Rock Zoo was founded in 1926 and is located in Little Rock, Arkansas, United States. It is home to more than 725 animals representing over 200 species, and covers an area of 33 acres. The Arkansas Zoological Foundation is a private 501 c organization that raises funds for zoo development.” - Wikipedia

If you’ve been following my travels, you probably realize I love to go to zoos.  And, if you’ve been following lately, you know I’ve been pretty disappointed by the last few zoos that I’ve visited.  Well, that streak ended today.  In fact, the Little Rock Zoo almost defines what I call the perfect zoo:  not too large, a great collection of diverse animals, clean, and well-maintained.

Now that I’ve visited several zoos, I like to look for animals I may not have seen elsewhere.  On my visit I saw Maned Wolves, Chacoan Peccary (I had never even heard of this animal), a Red Fox, and a Dik-Dik.  The zoo had a great collection of big cats including, a beautiful Leopard, Malayan Tigers, African Lions and Cheetahs.  The baby Eastern Black Rhino was a favorite, as were the apes: Gorillas, Chimpanzees, and Orangutans.

I got to the zoo about 1:30 p.m. and spent close to three hours walking around, I could have spent a whole day.  I would recommend the Zoo to anyone visiting Little Rock.