October 10, 2022


1222 S 27th St, Lincoln, NE 68502

“The Lincoln Children's Zoo is a children's zoo located in Lincoln, Nebraska. Designed specifically for children to experience interactive, up-close encounters with all of the zoo's animals, Lincoln Children's Zoo has been accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums.” -  Wikipedia

When I saw the word “Children’s” in the zoo’s name I wasn’t sure I wanted to visit, but I am really happy I did.  First impressions were that the zoo looked newly built, clean, and well-maintained.  It doesn’t have the largest collection but does have a diverse set of animals (a couple of which I had not seen before) that truly gives visitors a grand experience.  It is a zoo designed for children and thus there were playground areas almost everywhere, most designed to match the exhibits in the area.  Highlights for me included:  Red Pandas, Giraffes, Cheetahs, and White Cheeked Gibbons.

As fall is upon us and the weather is getting colder, some of the animals were off exhibit, which is to be expected.  But, the zoo still did not disappoint. This is a zoo that if I were back in the area I would visit again.