February 28, 2022


3853 N St. Mary’s St, San Antonio, TX 78212

“The San Antonio Japanese Tea Garden, or Sunken Gardens in Brackenridge Park, San Antonio, Texas, opened in an abandoned limestone rock quarry in the early 20th century.” - Wikipedia

This was the perfect place to come on a spring-like afternoon following days of winter-like, cold, rainy weather.  I enjoyed walking the paths around the gardens, even if it many of the plants were still covered to protect them from the bitter weather of the previous week.  There were signs of spring in the flowers that were in bloom.  The limestone structures were picturesque and who doesn’t love a waterfall.  I’m sure it is even more beautiful in late spring and summer when the plants are in full bloom, though I can’t imagine how crowded it must get on a late spring weekend considering it was pretty busy on this, a winter Monday afternoon.