October 23, 2023


3849 Parkway, Pigeon Forge, TN 37076

“Southern, 4-course feast followed by a show featuring music, comedy, live animals & pyrotechnics.” – Google

Pigeon Forge offers many opportunities for entertainment.  When I saw Dolly Parton’s Stampede was one of the choices, I decided to check it out, I mean Pigeon Forge is the home of Dollywood.  A couple of years ago when I was in Branson, MO, I went to Dolly’s Stampede there, so I wanted to compare the two shows.

The two operations/shows were almost identical.  I was impressed with the service in Branson, and it was the same in Pigeon Forge.  I marveled at how the servers could serve everyone as efficiently as they did.  The menu, the same at both venues, consisted of soup, a small rotisserie chicken, pork loin, potatoes, sweet corn, and an apple turnover.  While not fine dining, the meal was tasty.  The two shows were very similar with their wild west themes, Roman riders, trick riders, competitions between the two sides of the arena, and a clown for comedic relief.  The shows are not going to win many awards, but to a person who enjoys horse shows, rodeos, and such, it was a good night of entertainment.

Side note: These photos were taken with my iPhone.