January 13, 16, 18, 2022



“Dauphin Island is a town in Alabama, on the Gulf Coast island of the same name. It’s known for stretches of white sand, like Public Beach. At the entrance to Mobile Bay, 19th-century Fort Gaines features original cannons and a blacksmith shop. Migrating birds can be seen in the forest, dunes and swamp of the Audubon Bird Sanctuary. The Dauphin Island Sea Lab's Estuarium offers aquariums and a living marsh boardwalk.” ― Google

I found Dauphin Island, named after a member of French royalty, “Dauphine,” as I was searching for a place to park my RV while visiting the Mobile area. I found a nice RV park about 15 minutes from the island and traveled to the island on three different occasions. On the first visit I toured the Alabama Aquarium and Fort Gaines, it was a beautiful day, and while walking along the shore I spotted people feeding the sea gulls. The beach on this side of the island was closed due to some street construction, but I was ok with that as it was a little cool for the beach.

Saturday, January 15, brought heavy rains to the Dauphin Island area and I didn’t venture far from the RV. The rain then ushered in strong winds and cold temperatures on January 16th. Gale warnings were posted for Dauphin Island and the wind chills hovered in the 20°s. The rain had stopped so I ventured to Dauphin Island to check out the conditions during a gale warning. It was very windy, as I drove west, sand was drifthing across the road much like snow drifts in the midwest. I stopped at a couple spots to take pictures of the waves which were pretty ferocious.

Then on my last night in Alabama, I headed back to the beach to take some sunset pictures. The sky had been clear all day, but as I drove to the island I could see there were clouds forming in the west. The clouds helped add color to the sunset. As you look at the pictures can you tell which were taken with my DSL camera and which by my iPhone 12?

Issues with my RV prevented me from spending as much time on the island (and in the Mobile area) as I had wanted to. As I’ve said before, I’ll just have to come back.