November 2, 2022


Moab, UT

“Canyonlands National Park in southeastern Utah is known for its dramatic desert landscape carved by the Colorado River. Island in the Sky is a huge, flat-topped mesa with panoramic overlooks. Other notable areas include the towering rock pinnacles known as the Needles, the remote canyons of the Maze and the Native American rock paintings in Horseshoe Canyon. Whitewater rapids flow through Cataract Canyon.” ― Google

Utah national park #2 was just amazing as park #1.  When you think about Arches and Canyonlands being less than 30 miles apart, the difference between the two is stark.  While Arches’ sites rose toward the sky above you, Canyonlands’ sites were below your feet.

After a quick stop at the Island in the Sky Visitor Center, I set off to explore this area of the park.  I had read an online article giving me five highlights to see and that was my game plan.  However, once again, I found myself stopping at nearly every pull-off and/or overlook to take in the vistas. 

Short hikes were needed at Mesa Arch and Upheaval Dome.  Mesa Arch’s trail was relatively short and not too strenuous, but the Upheaval Dome trail was a little steeper and was a little more demanding.  The views at the end of each trail were amazing.  The other big overlooks, Green River, Buck Canyon, and Grand View Point, had nice sidewalks all less than 300 ft long.  The views were spectacular at each.  Parking at places was limited.  During the prime season it must be really frustrating.    

Sustained 20-mph winds, with higher gusts at times, did not provide ideal conditions for exploring.  There were a couple times when sand from the canyon bottom was hitting my face.  I also stayed further back from ledges for fear I might get blown over the edge.

I only visited the Island in the Sky area.  The Needles area has its own entrance about a 1.25-hour drive from Moab.  From what I’ve read it much more remote and would require a lot more hiking to enjoy the views.  The third area, The Maze, is only accessible by hiking trails.  Island in the Sky provided a quality experience for this basically non-hiking tourist.