December 18, 2021


1316 Duval St, Naval Air Station Key West, FL 33040

“The Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservatory located at 1316 Duval Street, Key West, Florida, United States is a butterfly park that houses from 50 to 60 different species of live butterflies from around the world in a climate-controlled, glass-enclosed habitat.” Wikipedia

I decided to venture into Key West for the first time on Saturday without any plans. Once I got into the city and got a feel for the streets and traffic I decided to go check out a site I had seen on the internet while searching things to do in Key West. The Butterfly Conservatory was quite a find.  The building is not huge, just a big greenhouse home to hundreds of butterflies, along with birds and turtles.  If one were to just walk the path through the garden without stopping it would probably take one, or at most two, minutes.  I spent about 45 minutes gaping in awe at the beauty that surrounded me.  I’ve tried taking pictures of butterflies in other places, it isn’t easy, and it isn’t any easier in a conservatory.  You spot one landing, aim the camera, and just before you’re ready to snap the picture, it flitters away.  That didn’t keep me from trying to capture some of the beauty.  As I was walking out of the building I was thinking if the rest of Key West is a wonderful as this, I’m going to have a good time.