March 21, 2022


3601 Thomas Rd, Baton Rouge, LA 70807

“The Baton Rouge Zoo is located 15 minutes north of downtown Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The zoo is owned and operated by the Recreation and Park Commission of East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, and is home to over 800 animals from around the world.” - Wikipedia

I really, really wanted to like this zoo.  The last few zoos I’ve visited have been less than stellar in my opinion.  I was hoping for more here, but what I found was another zoo undertaking a massive renovation.  Huge construction projects mean loud equipment, lots of dust flying, and worst of all, exhibit areas closed to the public.  In an unscientific survey I conducted I was able to view about 73 out of the 155 animals the zoo’s website claims to have.   I understand this is the “off-season” for zoo visitors and therefore the best time for these projects and I applaud the zoo for upgrading their facilities to make it a better place for both animals and visitors, but I just want to visit a nice zoo without any construction again.

Rant over. 

I thought the Baton Rouge Zoo had a lot of potential.  The grounds were clean, the animals all looked healthy and content, and the staff I encountered were friendly.  I enjoyed the Siamangs, primates that were quite playful as I went by their exhibit.  I also liked the Pygmy Hippos, Tigers, and Thomson’s Gazelles.  But, I think I was most enthralled by the Egrets on the shore of the small lake.  There were both Snowy Egrets and Great White Egrets just hanging out, free to come and go as they pleased. 

Like several of the other zoos I’ve visited this winter I would like to visit the Baton Rouge Zoo when the renovation is complete.