November 1 and 4, 2022


Moab, UT

“Arches National Park lies north of Moab in the state of Utah. Bordered by the Colorado River in the southeast, it’s known as the site of more than 2,000 natural sandstone arches, such as the massive, red-hued Delicate Arch in the east. Long, thin Landscape Arch stands in Devils Garden to the north. Other geological formations include Balanced Rock, towering over the desert landscape in the middle of the park.” ― Google

Day 1 - November 1, 2022

I really do not have much to say about Arches National Park, other than this park is AWESOME!!!  I drove into the park today intending to get a feel for the park’s layout, but from the moment I entered the park I was mesmerized by the rock formations and landscape.  Around each corner the sights continued to be incredible.  While the cloudy skies did not provide the best lighting for photography, I kept stopping at pull-outs every five to ten minutes to take pictures.  There was Park Avenue, the Courthouse Towers, the Petrified Domes, and Balanced Rock.  Then came the park’s namesakes, the arches.  I stopped at the Windows and took the short hike to see the North Window, the South Window, and the Turret Arch.  Next up was the park’s most famous arch, Delicate Arch.  I decided to drive to the overlook instead of taking the trail to the Arch.  The trail to the Higher Overlook was a relatively short and very steep path, but the view was worth the climb (after I sat and caught my breath).  It was then time for me to head back to my campground.  There is more of the park to explore and hopefully I’ll be able to do it on a sunny day.

Day 2 - November 4, 2022

After a day of rain which turned to snow in the evening, the day started with sunshine and just a mild breeze.  The sunshine made the park feel like a new place from the cloudy day when I visited the other day.  Don’t get me wrong, the park was amazing on my first visit, but the sun and lingering snow made the colors pop.  My intention was to drive straight through to start my day exploring at Double Arch, but the lighting was just too good and so I made several stops at pull-outs to shoot pictures of some of the same landmarks I shot two days earlier.  When I got to the parking lot for the Double Arch, I didn’t think I was going to get a parking spot, which was a difference from my first visit.  Being a beautiful Friday, there were more people in the park.  I took the short hike and explored the Double Arch and then drove on.

I decided to leave the hike to Delicate Arch until I was on my way out of the park because I had heard you wanted to see the arch later in the day for the best colors, and so I headed towards Devils Garden.  Along the way I stopped at the Fiery Furnace Viewpoint, walked back between cliffs to see the Sand Dune Arch, and stopped to take in the Skyline Arch.  When I got to Devils Garden the parking lot was almost full again, but I snagged a sight.  Having read a little about the area I knew I wasn’t going to take the full hike, mainly because of the difficulty rating and because I didn’t want to spend the time necessary to complete the loop.  I did hike to see the Tunnel Arch and Pine Tree Arch (pretty easy to get to), and then decided to go further and see the Landscape Arch.  That trek was a little more difficult, but with stopping to take photos (my excuse for catching my breath), I made it.  I’m glad I made the effort.  And then I had to trek back again.  I thought I was dressed properly for the 40° temps, and for the most part I was, but I had the wrong type of gloves and the fingers on one hand got very cold.  When I got back to the truck it was about 3:45 p.m., and I decided to just start my journey back to the campground, which meant I would skip the hike to Delicate Arch. 

The trip out of the park had some beautiful views with the sunlit La Sal Mountains in the background, so I made several stops to try to capture them.  I guess I need some lessons on how to photograph things with bright mountains in the background because I’m not to happy with how the pictures turned out.  Also, after looking at my photos, it is obvious one needs to visit Devils Garden in the morning if you want to have the best lighting for the arches in that area.

Day 2 of Arches National Park did was almost more amazing than Day 1.  I look forward to returning one day.